I run through most of these emotions on any given day lately....
Maybe I should draw my emotions on my sticky notes. Would that help my stress level??? We close on our house in 2 1/2 weeks. I have 2 weeks to finish the repairs. :/
We are moving into some short-term housing. All of our stuff is going into non-temporary storage until we know where we're going.
So, one of my lists is what to take with us that we might need in the next few/several months. We only have room to take the ABSOLUTE ESSENTIALS. So far here is what I've got....
4 extension cords (Because then each one of us will have one. I don't want to have to share my extension cord with anyone.)
some of my jewelry making stuff (because I need that!)
only the necessary clothes and shoesALL computers (NEED)2 small tv's and their CABLESDVD player and its CABLESremotesoh, and the xbox and its STUFF and its CABLES (because my son might die without it)
a few books (we neeeeed books)school bookswireless router (NEED)
Mrs. Meyers cleaners (need the pretty labels in my kitchen)
oh, make-up and shampoo, obviously
food from the fridge and pantry (because my kids will think that they need to eat every day)
my daughter's caged creatures (because I don't think they can go into permanent storage)
sticky notes (because I can't get through a single hour without using at least one)
I want so badly to write MAGAZINES on my list. Serious addiction to home decor and craft magazines. I might break out in hives if I don't have a tall stack of magazines to look at! I think that falls in the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY category, doesn't it???Am I forgetting anything essential???Shannon
So, these are my constant companions lately. I'm trying soooo hard to be organized...
I used to think I was a very organized person, but certain times over the past few years I have begun to realize that.....well, I'm not. I write things down on sticky notes. Lists. Many lists. I usually have a PILE of lists on sticky notes on the table by my chair. Then when I have to straighten things up for company, or a house showing, etc., I put all those sticky notes in the drawer, or in a stack of paper, or in a drawer in my studio, or in the closet in my studio, or...you get the idea. I may or may not see them again in time for them to be useful to me...
We fiiiinally have a contract on our house and will be closing the end of February. And a lot of the things that my hubby would normally be taking care of I am having to do because of what his job has going on.
So I have lists. Many lists. I'm trying so hard to keep my lists contained. And findable. I'm trying to keep my lists in this little notebook. And papers in this blue file. But, for some reason, as I sit here typing, I see that there are about a dozen sticky notes on the table beside me.
Is there any hope???? I don't suppose anyone has some magnificently perfect solution for me???