I recently discovered Pinterest. I had never heard of it until people in my Indie Biz 3.0 class started talking about it. LOVE! It is one of those places that you can waste spend many hours discovering and drooling! These are a few of the pictures I have pinned onto the Farmhouse board I created. Oh. my. goodness. The inspiration you can find on Pinterest!
I have started some boards for the farmhouse we are hoping to build when we move back to Texas. What a great place to keep all the ideas I run across online! And every time you pin a picture to a board, it saves the url for that picture, so you can find your way back to the original source. Sooo helpful. Sometimes in the past I have saved a picture in my google notebook, and have wanted to go back to the blog or website I found it on, but have been unable to locate it. With Pinterest I can always find my way back to the source!!
If you want to see the boards I have started on Pinterest, go here.
Oh, how I WANT these lockers in a mudroom!! Love!
If you are on Pinterest, I would love the link to your boards so I can browse!
This class is SO FUN AND INSPIRING!!! I'm soooo glad I registered for it! Some of the class assignments are fun projects like this notebook. And then other classes are brainstorming and filling out the worksheets in our notebooks. As we work on different projects and assignments, I have this wonderful notebook to collect all my information in one place. Inside the front cover I made a pocket for holding info that I'm not quite ready to transfer onto my worksheets.
To make the dividers, I traced the outline of a regular office supply divider onto chipboard so that I would have my spacing right. I cut out five dividers. Then I just decorated them with scrapbook papers and some little metal embellishments. I had to get the metal in there, because most of what I create is either from metal, or has some metal on it somewhere. Silver, obviously, draws me like a magnet. But I also LOVE the look of mixed metals, whether it be in the jewelry I make, or the servingware on my dinner table.

One of the sessions we have been working on is Constructing Your Style. I had so much fun with this. It truly did help me to refine some of the things I already knew about myself. Ok, I said fun. Finding the pictures to represent my style was fun. HOWEVER, creating a digital collage - that was less than fun. I used several different free sites online trying to create a collage that I could print out for my notebook and upload to my Flickr. I spent HOURS. I finally got this collage done on Smilebox, and was able to print it out for my notebook. But could I upload it straight to Flickr? No - not unless I wanted it to be sideways! So I finally took a picture with my camera and got it onto Flickr that way. I really hate being technologically STU.PID.

But now that I have fiiiiiinally succeeded in making one collage, I may make another one with some more pictures for my style. Because I wish I had included some clothing on this page. I would like to spread this style across the board in my life - my house, my clothes, my blog, my website, my jewelry.
It's a fun process to refine your style! I have also found a book at the library called Style Statement, by Carrie McCarthy and Danielle LaPorte. I've read about a third of it so far. It seems to fit right in with this Indie 3.0 class!
I'll put up more pictures about the class projects soon.
Ok, so I have lived through the past month. My hubby has been working in DC for the past few months on a short-term contract job. (He's back now - yea!) While he was gone our house sold, so I had to deal with all the house repairs, contractors, packers for most of our stuff, and move us into a small apartment without him. Not the kind of things I am good at! But, we got it all done and moved into an apartment till mid-May. The week after we moved in, hubby came home - and, comically, he is home to start a new job which will have him working from his home "office" a lot of the time. We're here till mid-May, when we will move HOME to DALLAS! Yea!!!!!!
In the meantime, we have all five claimed our own little spots in this small space we're living in, and it's working for us. We're all just consciously trying to be considerate of each other's needs for quiet and space.
This is my view from the chair I have claimed. I pretend I'm already living in a wonderful farmhouse in Texas, and this is my own brick wall, with woods beyond. It's a great place to sit and look outside and think about my assignments - I'm taking the WONDERFUL online class - Indie Business 3.0. Lisa Leonard is one of the teachers. We started this week - it's soooo inspiring and enlightening! Love it!
This is my "studio" - I work on my Indie Biz notebook here, and I work on my jewelry here. Hopefully in our next house I will have my own studio again, but until then, this works.
By day this is hubby's home office, by night this is his game arcade....
This is Lexi's piano studio.... She is a piano performance major in college, graduating in May (which is why we're hanging around here till mid-May). Much time will be spent in this corner....
Rachel hides out in the girls' bedroom when she is home...as long as she has her computer and books, she's happy.....