Friday, June 26, 2009

Got a Few Old Clock Faces?

photo: BH&G
Hang them from various lengths of chain for some very unique wall art. You could also use long vintage necklaces or strings of fake pearls! You can get old costume jewelry cheap at Goodwill, I mean Bonne Volonte.

I love the way this looks. I am going to be on the prowl for some old junk clocks that I can tear apart!



trash talk said...

Do you find those kind of clock faces at Bonne Volante? Mine just has those awful electric Big Ben's!
Cute idea.

KarenB said...

I love this, seriously. Hmmm, Boone Volante? That's a good one. I need to remember that. I have collected some small watch faces from pocket watches, but this would be so great in my office.